Election Commissioner
Barbara L. Sullivan
P.O. Box 466
Blair, NE 68008
(402) 426-6822
Fax: (402) 426-6825
Email: clerk@washingtoncountyne.gov
Voter Information
Election Notice: 2024 Primary Election
View your current registration information, ballot, polling
place, or other voter information - click here
Polling Places
Early (Absentee) Voting
Election Early Voting by Mail: Any registered voter may vote an early voting (absentee) ballot instead of voting at their polling place. The voter must mail, email, or fax an Early Voting form to the Election Office. These forms must be downloaded from the Nebraska Elections Division.
Mail the application to County Clerk, P.O. Box 466, Blair, NE 68008, email to clerk@washingtoncountyne.gov, or fax it to (402) 426-6825. -
Early Voting Ballot by Agent: An early voting (absentee) ballot may be picked up and/or delivered by an agent. The agent is limited to assisting two voters per election. The agent must come to the Election Office at 1555 Colfax St. in Blair.
Early Voting in Person: Any registered voter may vote in person prior to Election Day. A voter may vote in person at the Election Office at 1555 Colfax St. in Blair, Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., excluding holidays.